Our Bible Classes
Sunday Morning Bible Study (JAN-MAR, 2025)
Go to: Resources - Bible Class Material - Adult Class - "Acts - On Fire For Christ"
"Acts - On Fire For Christ" Class Material
As we desire to grow and advance the cause of the Gospel, our elders have tasked me with presenting this series of lessons designed to edify and encourage us as we seek to engage more in God's kingdom work.
I hope you are as excited as I am about the recent growth and direction our Lord has blessed us with! But, our aim is not just to survive as a local church here at Courtenay, we aim to thrive!
Being Prepared for Class
1) Be sure to secure a handout lesson each week.
2) Complete each "Lesson Reading" for each lesson.
3) Have lesson material completed before Sunday class.
4) Be prepared to engage in edifying conversations.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
CHURCH HISTORY: A study of church history: A look at the establishment of 1st century Christianity, the apostasy from the commandments of God, and the restoration movement effort to restore New Testament Christianity.
Please see Steve to receive your Lesson folder or visit the website and download it now: A Study In Church History